Ibrox Stadium Seating Map & Tickets

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150 Edmiston Dr, Glasgow G51 2XD, United Kingdom

Matches at Ibrox Stadium

Ibrox Stadium

Seat-Compare.com have discovered and created some of the best and most accurate seating maps for maps online. The home team(s) of Ibrox Stadium in Glasgow is . Use our live ticket pricing technology to order tickets to events at for the best prices online. For fan reviews of Ibrox Stadium, also known as Ibrox, the best places to sit in the stadium and for more general information then see below for complete details. If you are looking for more events or tickets in Glasgow here then visit our dedicated city pages.

Ibrox Stadium Seating Plan & Map

General Information: Ibrox Stadium

The Ibrox stadium is home to the football (soccer) team Rangers F.C. If you are looking for Rangers FC tickets, we at Seat-Compare have access to all areas of the stadium.


  • Address: 150 Edmiston Dr, Glasgow G51 2XD, United Kingdom
  • Stadium Capacity: 50,817
  • Other Name: Ibrox
  • Main Areas: Broomloan Road Stand, Copland Road Stand, Govan Stand, Main Stand

The Best Deals on Ibrox Stadium (Ibrox) tickets

Seat-Compare.com offers live pricing comparison of all major events taking place at Ibrox Stadium from the biggest and most reputable ticket resellers online. Whether you are looking for events or other fixtures at Ibrox Stadium, Seat Compare will bring you a range of options for tickets. See the Ibrox Stadium seating plan with seat numbers and rows above and view the complete layout of the venue. We at Seat Compare aim to create an accurate Ibrox Stadium seating plan and map, if you see any areas that need improvement please contact us. For some maps and seating plans we include season ticket prices which illustrates the premium seating in the stadium. Whilst other websites will give you the lowest price of a single Ibrox Stadium ticket, this doesn't reflect the true market meaning ticket prices are infact higher. Seat Compare includes service charges in any displayed ticket meaning there are no hidden fees or surprises.

Ibrox Stadium (Glasgow) Tickets

Be at Ibrox Stadium and order your tickets from safe, trusted and reputable companies here on Seat-Compare.com. Our aim is provide an accurate Ibrox Stadium seating plan which will give a good layout of the stadium. From the map users can then choose the area in Ibrox Stadium they prefer and purchase tickets from the safest websites online. Other websites that compare prices but don't include the service charges and hidden costs. This results in the prices increasing by as much as 35% meaning those cheap tickets, whether for or a different event are now expensive. On Seat-Compare.com the price of the tickets are live, so you can compare much easier.

Seat Compare - The Buyer Guarantee

All Ibrox, Ibrox Stadium tickets in Glasgow purchased through Seat-Compare.com are 100% guaranteed with the suppliers listed on our website. All Ibrox Stadium tickets including will be authentic, valid and delivered to you on time for the event. If the event is cancelled for any reason, then you will receive a complete order refund. Tickets for rescheduled Ibrox Stadium events will be also included and valid for any new confirmed date. See above the stadium map for all the areas including turnstiles for more infomation.

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